Resources about AI

Magic school 

The most used and favorite AI platform for educators. Join over 900,000 teachers in saving time with MagicSchool to help you plan lessons, differentiate, write assessments, communicate clearly and more.

ScientixTV about AI 


Contents of this video
0:00 - Intro: everyone's talking about A.I.
0:45 - The different ways teachers can use A.I. (including via ; and
2:42 - A teacher tries creating a STEAM lesson plan using ChatGPT and gives her feedback
6:57 - EU regulation and guidelines regarding A.I. in education
9:15 - The Data4Learning webinar reports (
10:01 - Careers + Innovation: a new app by the Airbus Foundation can help teachers prepare students for future jobs changed by A.I.
14:00 - Science in Action with Isidora: a robot powered by ChatGPT helps Isidora create a classroom experiment
17:27 - Call to sign up to present an experiment in the December episode (; and good-byes

For Fun 

Maybe it will make you smile

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